Pinball Bash is a 4 player co-op game based on bomberman.
In Pinball Bash you try to defeat the others by having deadly pin balls hit them. You can deflect these by making walls come up from the floor.
Project Information
EngineUnreal Engine 4
Development Time8 Weeks
Team Size3 - 9 People (2 Programmer, 2 Designers and 5 Artists)
My RolesGameplay Programmer
Languages UsedUnreal Blueprints
Target PlatformsPC

My Work


During the project, I developed and iterated on the player.
In the player, I worked on and implemented the following features:

  • Implement movement
  • Integrate animations
  • Integrate effects and particles
  • Implement the HUD

In the project I created the pinball fairly early on in development, and proved to become the integral element of our gameplay. I iterated multiple times on it's implementation to get to the final state.

I implemented the effects on the pinball like freeze and accelerate when hitting a bumper to make the bumper feel more powerful.
I also worked on the player being able to pick the ball up and throw it back in a new direction.

I also worked on other subtle effect on the pinball like the reflection when hitting a wall. The ball does not reflect perfectly which helps the gameplay by preventing the ball from getting stuck while bouncing between 2 walls.


A big part of our levels are the walls and bumpers that move up and down inside the level. I developed the systems behind the walls and the tools to create sequences where the walls move up on their own during the game.

The walls are also controlled by the player. The player is able to move the walls up in the direction they are facing. When they do this, the walls they move up also become their color.

The bumper wall, also has an animation when it has moved in the up state and is the only wall type that can accelerate the pinball when hit.

Before the walls move up on their own, there is an effect on the light intensity on the edges of the wall, to signal they will change to the player. The player able to use this effect to their advantage.