Bit-Buster is a cooperative 2-player (with single-player option) shooter where both players share a single projectile to defeat the enemies and complete the objective.
In Bit-Buster you get thrown into a steampunk-inspired Japan, that got overrun by yokai - Japanese spirits. By passing a deadly disk between each other, you can blaze through any enemy or obstacle that shows up in your way.
The levels are highly destructible and built completely out of voxels to allow for complete mayhem and destruction of the levels and enemies. This, together with physics, makes for dynamic gameplay where every action in the game impacts the world in a unique way.
Project Information
EngineCustom C++ Voxel Engine (Voxagen)
Development Time8 Weeks
Team Size25 People (9 Programmer, 9 Designers, 7 Artists and a Producer)
My RolesEngine Programmer, UI Programmer, Tools Programmer
Languages UsedC++
Target PlatformsPC (
Release StatusReleased on

My Work

UI Systems

When I joined the Voxagen engine (our custom engine) team we were missing UI systems in the engine. I implemented these systems to allow us to add:

  • Text, with options for font and size.
  • Buttons, with callbacks for user interactions and controller navigation support.
  • Images.
  • Sliders, which doubles as a progress bar. The slider has support for a controller to change the value and callbacks for when the value has changed.

For the buttons and sliders I implemented functionality for navigating through a menu, using a keyboard or controller.

UI Tools

Voxagen (our custom engine) also has a custom build-in editor. I developed the editor tools for adding, controlling and editing the UI systems inside the editor.

My tools make sure to serialize the systems properly, using the existing serializer to save and load the settings and values in the editor and for inside the game.

As with any tool that will is used by others, I worked with my team and UI designers to make sure they were able to properly use my tools. I made sure to explain how everything works, get feedback on the implementations, and iterate on the systems to improve and polish the final version.

UI Implementation

For Bit-Buster I partially implemented the UI into the game, using the systems I developed. I worked on the functionality and implementations of the following UI elements and menu's:

  • Splash screen.
  • Main Menu, including character and level selection.
  • Controls Menu.
  • Loading Screens.
  • OnBoarding.
  • In Game UI.
  • Pause Menu.